Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ten Things to Smile About This Month

Another month has flown by.  I am looking back over April and finding 10 things that made me smile.  Join me the last Tuesday of every month for 10 Things to Smile About.

Ten Things to Smile About in April

1. Family- what they mean to me, what they do for me

2.  General Conference and messages of truth, light and hope
watching general Conference

3.  Easter

4. Fun girls weekend at Time Out For Women
friends at Time Out for Women

5. Having my in-laws visit

6. The painting Ryder made
Kid bee painting

7. Date nights with my husband and yummy food!
Dinner date

8. Working at the school book fair-- I love kid books!

9. Watching Ryder play flag football
Flag Football

10. Open house, the good school my kids have to go to and how well they are doing
Food Trucks
What made you smile this month?

1 comment:

  1. So many great things to smile about! I love your gorgeous family picture!
