Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday Five: Mystery Illness, Unemployment, School

Happy Friday everyone!  To all the mother's out there, I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day this weekend.

5 Thoughts

1.  Sunday morning we had to wake Ryder up again and he was exhausted and had a fever again.  It was so strange, he had been well all week.  This time the fever stuck around though.  Took him to the doctor and he had a lot of physical signs of strep throat (though he never once said his throat hurt), but tested negative for it.  Basically, they weren't sure what he has but seems to be getting better now.

2. We had a very big transition in our life this week.  My husband has worked for a company for 13 years but recently has decided a change was needed and will now be working for a different company.  It was a big decision but in the end it is what we felt was right for our family.  Wednesday was his last day and he has been home since, even has all of next week off before he begins his new job.  He is enjoying his much needed down time.

3. Since he has been home we have gone out to eat, cleaned out the garage and hung out with Ryder who has been home sick.  Next week we have plans of eating out for lunch, going to see several movies and just enjoy him truly having nothing to do in this time between jobs.

4. Not counting today, my kids have 9 days of school left! I cannot believe this school year is almost over.

5. My daughter's soccer team did awesome at Spring Cup and is advancing to the semi-finals.  I really hope they do well and love our team, things are good again.

5 Pictures
Six Flags Superman
Our Six Flags Date Night
bag of popcorn
Big bag of popcorn to celebrate a great soccer game
flower with rain drops

hail in SoCal
Crazy storm with hail covering our driveway
Jacks Urban grill
Eating the Alphabet lunch date

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on Eric's new job! I hope he enjoys the new challenge. It would be difficult to work at the same job for 13 years! (I also love that you guys are so good about making sure you get date nights. That's the coolest!)
