Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday Five: New Beginnings, Dine in theaters, Mothers Day

Happy Friday everyone!  My kids only have 4 days of school left!  I cannot believe it is almost our summer.  Sharing 5 thoughts and 5 pictures to recap the week.

5 Thoughts

1. This has been a very fun week.  Eric has been home all week as he is between jobs, starts at his new job on Monday.  We have been going out to eat, went to a movie, binge watching Nashville... it just really has been so much fun.

2.  He has been doing school drop off and pick up a bunch too, it definitely felt weird, but very nice, to not have that a part of my routine.

3. Though I will soon be getting a break from that anyway, as this upcoming Thursday is my kid's last day of school!  Cannot believe this year is almost over.

4. This week Eric and I did the dinner during the movie (though it was actually lunch), it was fun and I was impressed with the food, but it also was kind of distracting.  We got several appetizer type dishes to share and so it felt like I had to concentrate on that a bit.  While it was fun to try, I don't think it will become a regular thing for us.

5. Had a wonderful Mother's Day and fun day celebrating Ryder's birthday (which I still need to blog about).  Things are good right now.

5 Pictures

blowing out candles

mothers day

90's grunge

dodge charger



  1. I love the picture of you with your kids! So cute! The dinner during a movie sounds really fun, and that's awesome that you had Eric home this past week!

  2. Binge-watching Nashville - yay! That's one of my favs. I cry almost every time I watch it, though, because it makes me miss home so much!
