Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Ten Things to Smile About

Another month is almost over!  It is the last Tuesday of the month which means 10 Things to Smile About This Month.

10 Things to Smile About in May

1. Bi-annual Six Flags Date night
Six Flags Superman

2. My baby turned 7!
blowing out candles

3. Alex's performance in her chorus concert- she rocked it!
90's grunge

4. Celebrating Mother's Day and remembering why I love being a mom.
Mother and kids

5. Spending a whole week with my husband and going on lots of day dates while he was in between jobs.

6. Alex's soccer team getting 2nd place in Spring Cup.
spring cup soccer
7. End of a great school year!
Last day school

8. Eric's new car
dodge charger

9.  Getting to spend the afternoon with my bestie and her family and having an amazing meal made by my husband while doing it.
photo bomb

10. Family fun for summer break!
What made you smile this month?

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