Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Unseen Road to Love

Have you ever made a decision that has totally changed the course of your life?  What if you were able to see what would happen if you had made a different choice?

I was given a copy of Unseen Road to Love by Chelsea Curran to review.

The Book:
From the outside, Logan Atwood's life looks perfect: a successful career, a lavish lifestyle. But after a brutal car accident leaves him in a coma, Logan suddenly finds himself five years in the past. Only then does he realize that his perfect world may have cost him the woman of his dreams and the faith he once loved. Is it too late for Logan's second chance?

My review:
For Logan, one choice altered the course of his life in a ways he never could have imagined.  After a horrible accident when he is given a second chance, in sort of "It's a Wonderful Life" type moment, he is given the chance to see how different his life could be.
  The story definitely had quite a bit of predictability to it, and it took me a little bit to really get into it, but once I did I was hooked and really enjoyed it.  I loved the themes of forgiveness and moving forward in life.  This story definitely makes you contemplate your path in life and if that others may be helping guide you from the other side.
  This is a clean book, free from graphic imagery or language.  This is definitely geared towards a LDS audience, however it is a quick fun read that anyone could enjoy.

Buy the Book
  Amazon//Barnes and Noble//Books and Things

What good books have you read recently? 

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