Thursday, June 1, 2017

A Belated Birthday Post

Last month my baby turned 7.  I cannot believe how fast time has gone.  I remember all too well, his surprise delivery 8 weeks early.

Finally making it home for the first time after almost a month away.

I remember his smile, the way his siblings would make him laugh, and now he is the one that makes his siblings laugh.

I remember lunch dates, just he and I when his siblings were at school.

And now, now he is 7-years-old, going into second grade... I cannot believe it.  

When I asked him what he wanted on his cake, my only child who still likes themed cakes, he said a Ryder truck.  
Ryder Truck Birthday Cake
My red frosting was way too runny, but he liked the cake anyway.
Birthday cake

colorful candles

Blowing Out Candles

This year he and I celebrated the day together as his birthday fell on Mother's Day.  I was happy to share with my baby though, which he hates when I call him that.
Ryder Cake
But he always will be my baby.  

To my Ryder-- happy birthday! 

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