Wednesday, June 21, 2017

An Anniversary, a Birthday and Father's Day

Sometimes weekends are very busy, like when an anniversary, a birthday and Father's Day all fall in the same weekend.

This last Friday, Eric and I celebrated 16 years or marriage.  In just four more years I will have been married for the same number of years that I was single in my life.  That is a crazy thought.
New York Grill

We celebrated with dinner and a movie.  We were on the letter N for our eating the alphabet, so we found a fancy place for dinner this time.

We then went and saw Wonder Women, (super good movie) where Eric bought out the theater just for us, or so he likes to tell people.
A post shared by Eric (@egbweb) on

Saturday was my Dad's birthday.  He was in town visiting, so of course we had to celebrate.  A lot of the day was spent celebrating at Alex's soccer tournament, but they had fun watching her play despite the 97 degree heat.
treats after soccer

Grandpa birthday

Then of course Sunday was Father's Day.
Father and kids

Fathers Day

Some of Eric's presents came early for him, on our anniversary, as I bought him the second Traeger he has been really wanting.  The Traeger is definitely the gift that keeps giving, as on Father's Day he smoked a brisket and ribs.  They were so so good!
Fathers Day pictures

Grandparents and kids

It was a wonderful and full weekend, remembering what matters most, family and love.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun weekend! Happy Anniversary! Glad you liked the movie!
