Friday, June 16, 2017

Friday Five: A Special Anniversary Edition

Happy Friday everyone, today is a very special Friday-- I will tell you why in the first comment.

5 Thoughts

1. Today marks 16 years since Eric and I got married.  If I had been on top of it, I would have written a really mush anniversary post for the man I truly love and who really is my best friend.  Instead I will be leave you with a bunch of links about how we met, our first kiss, how Eric proposed, and other anniversary posts (2016, 2015, 2014, 20132012, 2011, 2010, 2009) I wrote in the past-- and Wow!  Reading those posts was a trip down blogging memory lane. 

2. Ryder had his last flag football game this weekend, it was the championship game and they finished the season undefeated, first place!  He was so excited. 

3. This week has been a very crazy soccer week.  Goalie training on Monday, scrimmage on Wednesday, indoor game on Thursday, and a tournament this weekend!  My parents are in town and are definitely getting their fill of Alex playing soccer. 

4. On Sunday we went to my niece's piano recital.  The whole recital was just her, her Senior exhibition, and she is amazing!  It is so crazy that she is graduating from high school next week.  

5. My parents have been here visiting with us all week, it is so fun having family in town.  We have mostly done swim lessons and soccer, but the game playing at night with the four of us is priceless.  
Yesterday we went out to a train park so I could take pictures of one of my favorite clients and to have some family fun.  The kids definitely liked the ice-cream stop we made on the way home.  

5 Pictures
flag football coaches
family and niece
playing checkers with grandma
riding train at Griffith park
Grandparents and kids at train park

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I'm late to the party since I've been traveling, but happy anniversary!!
