Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Read into Summer and A Giveaway

Who loves books?   I know books are definitely a weakness for me.  I love getting lost in a good book, I love holding a book, I just love books.   I often read e-books, but there is something magical and alluring about a real book in a real book store.

With summer now upon us, I know finding books for myself and my children is definitely at the top of my list, as I don't want them on the screen all day long.

We recently went to Barnes & Noble and we were in heaven.  Lucas immediately found the book he wanted since it was on the end-cap, and the nice worker we asked quickly helped Alex find the book she was looking for, even though she could only remember the Author's last name.
Kids books at Barnes & Noble

I ventured out of my usual realm of books and got a biography, with Kevin Hart's I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons.   This week Kevin Hart was at one of the LA Barnes & Noble for a book signing.
Kevin Hart

Barnes & Noble actually has over 100,000 events every year.  Fun events for kids, chances to meet authors-- even celebrity authors.  In June alone, some of the authors appearing across the country includes Sherman Alexie, Chelsea Clinton, Roxane Gay, John Grisham, Kevin Hart, Bethany Mota, Mike Tyson, and many more big name celebrities.  So get a good book and meet a celebrity at the same time!

The really scary part of the store for me is the kids section.  It just draws me in with the bright colors and decor and I just love kids books.  I kind of want to buy one of everything when I am back there.
Barnes & Noble

We did end up with a bag of books, and today I get to give one of you a $20 gift card to Barnes & Noble



To enter the giveaway- click here--- put in your city and then come back and leave a comment telling me the event near you that you would like to attend. 

Disclaimer: Giveaway will end June 30th, with winner being announced July 3rd.  Giveaway open to US Residents Only.  Gift card will be mailed to winner, so a valid mailing address must be provided by winner when contacted. 

What books are on your summer reading list?  


  1. I did not find any events here in St Louis :( However, I found a cool one near my daughter's home in Austin, TX (of course! It's the coolest) called Austin Cloak & Dagger Book Group--all about mysteries.
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

    1. Oh that Cloak and Dagger Group sounds intriguing. Hopefully they get some events by you

  2. Father's day reading seems fun.

  3. I would definitely do the Weekly Friday Story Times. I know they also do Deaf Reading Time which I'm really interested in for Annika:) We've been to the one in Burbank and it was awesome! My Summer TBR is getting so long, but I'd like to get 8 Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave or In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume. xo

    1. That sounds so awesome! I haven't heard of 8 Hundred Grapes, I will have to check that out

  4. I would love to go to The Rainbow Fish story time! That was one of the first books I read as a kid so it is extra special to me!

  5. I guess Toddler Time since that's pretty much that's happening around here. LOL

  6. No events at my local one, it would be great if they had a story time

  7. We love B&N and spend a lot of time there in the Summer! We've gone to two Harry Potter events that have been awesome! Something that caught my eye for this summer was "story time in Spanish." We have been wanting to learn Spanish so this might be a fun activity to attend! Thanks for hosting this fun give a way

  8. I think it would be fun to join the book club chat.

  9. Father's Day story time in Durham, NC sounds fun.

  10. Books are my weakness! I can get into big trouble in book stores! I love all the events they have, too. Need to venture out and go to some more often.

  11. We are reading the Mary Poppins books - there's a whole series of them! Who knew?!

  12. Father's Day storytime - what a fun way to spend part of Father's Day!

  13. I don't even know where Timber Grove, OR is, lol! But it looks like there is a fun Father's Day story time there. Unfortunately we live so far out in the boonies, that making it all the way to town with my four seems to be a chore. But I LOVE online shopping �� And we love books! Barnes & Noble gift cards are often a great gift for my girls!

  14. Lokos like they have regular San Antonio Writers' Guild meets near me. Very cool!

  15. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there are any events happening at my Bellingham location, but I do love to go there to buy new books regardless!

  16. No events near me :( Still looks like fun though!

  17. While most of the events near me are geared towards children (which I don't have!), there is one Family Storytime that would be nice to take my nephews to that includes children of all ages. Barnes and Noble is one of my favorite places regardless .. I go there to drink coffee and study for class!

  18. I would like to attend the Children's Event, Storytime for my kids.

  19. There weren't any events for adults close to me here on Long Island, all were for children and I don't have any.

  20. We'd like to attend children's storytime! :)

