Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ten Things to Smile About

Last Tuesday of the month means 10 Things to Smile About This Month.. looking back and finding those little things that made me smile.

10 Things to Smile About in June

1. Having my parents in town visiting
Grandparents and kids

2. Ryder's team getting 1st place in Flag Football!
flag football coaches

3. Father's Day!
Father and kids

4. My niece and her amazing piano recital and she graduated from high school!
family and niece

5. Celebrating 16 years of marriage with my best friend
New York Grill

6. Summer break.. especially lazy mornings
eating breakfast

7. My parents being able to watch Alex dominate in soccer
treats after soccer

8. Finding old pictures that have been living on an old camera
kids at Mesa Arizona Temple

9. Being able to celebrate my Dad's birthday with him in town
Grandpa birthday

10. Continuing to eat the alphabet, best date idea ever!

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