Monday, July 17, 2017

Searching for Irene

What would you do if you thought your life was in danger?  What would you do if you knew solving a mystery might put your own life in jeopardy?   I was given a copy of Searching for Irene by Marlene Bateman to review.

The Book
When Anna Coughlin, a modern 1920’s woman, travels to the secluded hills of Virginia to work for wealthy Lawrence Richardson, she discovers that the previous secretary, Irene, has mysteriously disappeared. Upon arriving at the castle-like mansion, Anna finds that Lawrence’s handsome, but antagonistic son, Tyler, wants nothing more than to have her gone. And he isn’t the only one—

Caught up in a maze of intrigue in a tormented and troubled household, Anna sets out to find the truth behind Irene’s disappearance. She is helped—and often hindered—by the temperamental Tyler Richardson, who—despite her best intentions—begins to steal her heart. 

But even as Anna begins to uncover dark secrets, she must continue to hide a significant one of her own. Then, her life is threatened, and Anna is left to wonder if she’ll be able to unravel the mystery before she disappears as mysteriously as the unfortunate Irene

My Review
   I loved this book!  Set in the 1920's, this turn of the century mystery kept me turning the pages.  Anna is becoming desperate to solve the mystery of Irene's disappearance, as Anna has a secret of her own.  This quick, page-turning book had me dying to know who was responsible and also fearing for Anna's safety as she works to uncover the mystery.

  There is great character development and I loved the period and time frame the story was set in.  I really didn't want to put the book down.  There is a little bit of a religious aspect brought into the book, but it is done so subtly and naturally that it is really just part of the character development.
   This book is a clean book, free from graphic imagery or strong language. I highly recommend it and it is making my "Can't Put Down List".

The Author
--I have also read For Sale by Owner by Marlene which I loved! (see my review here)

Buy the Book
  Amazon//Barnes & Noble//

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