Monday, July 31, 2017

Ten Things to Smile About

I usually do this post the last Tuesday of the month, but since I was out of town last week on a wonderful and crazy vacation, today I am sharing 10 things that made me smile in July.

Ten Things to Smile About in July

1. Spending time with all of my family in Portland
family on Oregon beach

2. Fireworks!

3. Spending a few days at my SIL's house way up north in Washington
family in tunnel

4. Lots of Beach Trips

5. Exploring new local places
kids by foutain
6. The Mountains! 
Utah mountains

7. Cousins that my kids adore

8. Especially how amazingly these three cousins get along
cousin photo shoot

9. Pretty Sunsets!

10. The Beverage game and fun family traditions

What made you smile this month?

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