Monday, August 7, 2017

First Day of School 2017

It happened again... another first day of school.  I really am still in denial, even as I sit here in a really quiet house.   My kids are in 7th, 5th and 2nd grade this year.  That is just crazy to me.  Next year I will have two in middle school and only one in grade school.  But let's think of that yet!  This year has just begun.  We did our traditional first day of school pictures.

Lucas is in 7th grade, he is officially taller than me.  He has been taller than me for a little while now and continues to grow so quickly. He is excited not to have the last lunch of the day, which will help ensure there are more choices.
First day 7th grade

This year Alex had me straighten her hair for the first day.  She also picked out her own outfit and has for a while now.  She was so excited about school and especially excited that her best friend is in her class again this year.
First day 5th grade

Ryder, my baby, is starting 2nd grade.  It really astounds me how quickly time is going.  He is excited for school, though a little nervous too.  I know he will have a great year.  He still always makes me laugh and is my funny one.
Fist Day 2nd grade
first day of school
first day of school pictures
And for my Class of 2028-- some day this shirt will fit him!
Back to school tradition
Class of 2028
Has school started where you live yet?


  1. It's going to be such a strange day when Charlie is taller than me!! I know it'll happen before I know it. I love Alex's hair straight! (and curly of course). Happy First Day of school!!

  2. I aways hated to see the summer end. I loved having my kids to play with all summer long. Now that they are all grown up I still hate for school to start because I have to go back to work. Our district starts at the end of August which is too soon. I think we should go to the end of June and not start back up till the end of September but I can't seem to get anyone to agree to my great idea haha. This will be my last year though, after 24 years of working in the school district I'm gonna retire. Yay!!
    Hope your kids have a great year!
