Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Ten Things to Smile About This Month

It's a day late, but definitely have to share 10 things that made me smile this month.  I started this post many years ago after a really bad month, where I knew for my sanity I needed to stop and find things worth smiling about.  Good or bad months, it is always good to look back and find things that made you smile.

10 Things to Smile About in August

1. A great start to the school year
first day of school

2. Our Yes Day (which I have not blogged about yet!)
playing game of life

3. Being able to photograph adorable newborns
Newborn photography

4. Baseball game with the family
baseball game with family

5. Having my in-laws visit, yes this really does make me smile
golfing with grandma

6.  The eclipse-- even if it wasn't nearly as good  here as elsewhere
eclipse shadows

7. Surprise birthday parties for friends
surprise birthday lunch

8. This picture and that my daughter happily took it but now gags when she see's it!
Kissing Bridge

9. Smoked Peaches- seriously heavenly
Smoked Peaches

10. Our Annual Trip to Big Bear
Alpine Slide

What made you smile this month?