Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday Five: Disasters, Student of the Month and Soccer

Happy Friday everyone!  Hope everyone that needs to has evacuated from Florida, so many devistations right now.

5 Thoughts

1. Hurricanes, Fires, earthquakes... it truly is astounding how much of our country and the world is suffering from an astronomical amount of these events right now.  It definitely makes me take pause to see if we are prepared and half worried if we are going to get the big one here in SoCal.

2. On Saturday Alex played in two soccer games in the 103 degree heat, it was crazy. She did really good and the team she was guesting for ended up getting 2nd place in the tournament.  At one point there was a collision where one of Alex's teammates feet literally ended up on Alex's face while they were both lying on the ground, it was crazy but everyone was okay in the end.

3. This last Sunday was very special as Eric was ordained a High Priest and set apart to serve on the High Council.  I know he will serve wonderfully and am proud of the choices he has made in his life to try and be closer to Christ.

4. This week Alex was awarded Student of the Month.  This month a student was chosen that represents the character trait of trustworthiness.  Her teacher wrote her a note that says "You are definitely a person that others can trust and count on.  You exude confidence, humility, and honesty.  Thank you for being a shining example to those around you. And you do it with a constant smile."  I was beaming when I read that!  So proud of my girl.

5. Soccer season starts this weekend, not like it ever really ends with Club, but it officially starts this weekend.  Hoping our team does good this season.

5 Pictures

soccer team

sleeping in car

mother and son

silly grandparent picture

proud parents

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