Friday, September 1, 2017

Friday Five: Hot, Helping, and the In-laws

Happy Friday! And happy September!  I am hoping we actually get some fall like weather soon, has been horribly hot.

5 Thoughts

1.  It has been horribly hot this week, 111 some days.  I am so ready for fall!  I just bought some new clothes this week, but of course they are all more fall type clothes, so we need the weather to cool of so I can wear them!

2. Because of the heat we had the week off from soccer... but Alex still has a tournament she is playing in this weekend, and it is supposed to be 104!  That will not be fun.

3. For the moment I am all caught up on editing pictures!  It feels good but won't last long. I have another newborn shoot coming up any day and a vacation beach shoot.. and soon I will be getting lots of calls for pictures for Christmas cards, it is that time of year.

4. I will be starting to help in Ryder's classroom next week.  It is seeming like I may be one of the only parents that can really help a lot this year, so I might be there a lot, but I like it.

5. My in-laws are back again this weekend!  Eric was asked to serve on the High Council for our church, which means he will need to be ordained to the office of High Priest.  So his parents came back down so his Dad could ordain him.  It will be a very special weekend.

5 Pictures

silly brothers


lizard on screen door

teaching money

helping dad


  1. You would be freezing in Pittsburgh! We're having an early Fall and the high today is 72. I love that first picture you posted! I hope the tournament went well this weekend and congratulations to Eric! XOXO

  2. Oh my goodness it is entirely too hot! I thought that low 90's was dreadful but that has nothing on 111 degrees, whoa! That is exciting that you are able to help in your son's classroom. I substituted in my son's preschool classroom many years ago and absolutely loved it (even though I was insanely exhausted at the end of the day). Also, I think that we have the same couch ha ha!

    1. We just got that couch within the last year, I love it- so comfortable
