Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Right Next To Me

I love reading books and when a fellow blogger writes a book, someone who's blog I have followed for many years, of course I will jump at the chance to read it!  I loved Right Next to Me by Rachel Ward.

The Book: 
After high school Sydney's friends scattered to different colleges across the country. Over Thanksgiving break they are reunited, and much to Sydney's surprise, she discovers that her best friend has kept a quiet flame for her for years. Sydney is faced with making an impossible decision: stay with the perfect boyfriend or go for the best friend who has always loved her?

My Review:
  Ever read a book where you knew how it was going to end but couldn't put it down and stop reading?  This is how I felt when I read Right Next to Me.  I loved this coming of age book.  It took a unique approach by jumping back between the present and back to high school days when many of these relationships began to form.  It was done in such a way that wasn't confusing and just added to the story like a puzzle coming together.  
  The book felt like it could have come right from the author's life, the characters felt real and likable. This is Rachel's second book, and I enjoyed it just as much or maybe even more than her first book.  I read this book in one day, so a quick easy read that will capture you from the start.  It is a clean book free from graphic imagery and language.   This book made my "Can't Put Down List"

Find the Author:
  Rachel's Blog//Facebook//Twitter

Buy The Book:
 Amazon//Barnes And Noble//Deseret Book

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