Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Some Days Are Like That... Even in Australia

It began at 6:30 A.M. when our doorbell rang.

We were expecting it, a nurse coming to draw some blood and a check-up for my husband for a life insurance policy.

My kids began waking up around this time, unsure what to do with this new person in our house.

When people come over my kids tend to go in one of two modes, 1- supper shy forgetting how to speak or 2- this person is their best friend and an audience they have to perform for.  Today was #1.

None of them would even tell me what they wanted for breakfast and come eat, so we flipped our morning routine around and got dressed first; any parent knows totally changing the morning routine is a recipe for disaster.  They went upstairs to get dressed away from this home invader.

Finally around 7:00 it was safe for my kids to go downstairs.  They all got started on their breakfasts, poptarts, Ego Waffles and bagels, yes breakfast of champions there, but this is when the real drama began.

You see, Alex's waffles got slightly over toasted, and when I say slightly I truly mean it- they looked like they would be perfectly fine.  She pouted, gave lots of evil looks to her brothers, because somehow it must have been their fault, and just decided at that point her morning was going to be miserable.

I talked about lemons and lemonade and urged her to at least try as I figured with enough syrup they would be just fine.

All the while, I am trying to read from the scriptures for our morning scripture study, let's just say not much was learned from the scriptures this morning.

Eventually I cave and just tell her to find something else while I take Ryder upstairs to brush his teeth.  By now my panic button is starting to kick in as we already passed our usual departure time.  After teeth brushing, I come down to see Alex spreading cream cheese on a bagel she had made for herself, strawberry cream cheese... strawberry cream cheese, which we bought a while ago, I flip over the container, it was expired.

"Miss, I am so sorry."-- at this point it is now full on sobbing tears.

I hurry to make her another bagel, this time with regular cream cheese, not expired, and tell the boys to go get their shoes on and get in the car.  Now it is getting to be-Lucas will be late to school time.

We hurry put Alex's breakfast on a plate and head to the car, where Lucas is standing there and declares that one of the sprinklers is broken. Sure enough at the end of our driveway, one of the sprinkler heads is shooting out more than the normal amount of water.

I hurry down to investigate and find one of the pieces on the ground, I bet I can just shove it back in, I think in desperation.... I push the piece back in.....

Gyser fountain!

Half of my body is now soaked.  I hurry and turn the sprinklers off.  Tell everyone to hurry and get it the car, hit the garage door button only for it not to go down.  A shoe is blocking the sensor.  I hurry move the shoe and the garage successfully closes.  We drive off the school and some how manage to get Lucas there before the gates are closed.

When then drive over to the elementary where I am more than happy to say goodbye and come home to the quiet.

Deep breath.

What a terrible horrible, no good very bad morning.  But some mornings are just like that, even in Australia.


  1. I hate mornings like that!

    And yeah, they happen in Australia. And there are probably poisonous animals involved!
