Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday Five- Random Thoughts

Thanks goodness for Friday--this has been a roller coaster of a week.  Here is my Friday 5.

5 Thoughts

1. What a week this has been, filled with such sorrow and tragedy and just questions of how someone is capable of such as act as happened in Las Vegas.  The weekend started so wonderfully filled with the wonderful messages of conference, then ended in pure devastation.  I have been turning my radio off a lot more this week, trying to shield my kids from the news.

2. I am trying to find the good and focus on the joy and good that there is still out there.  This week I was able to to serve twice, first by helping in Ryder's class and then working with women from church to make blankets for children in the cancer wing at a local hospital.  I am so grateful for the opportunities I have to serve.

3. Eric texted me last night, I was at goal keeper training with Alex, saying the boys had played 9 rounds of Uno, 7 of which Ryder won.  He was having a very lucky night.

4. Tonight Eric and Alex will have to pick up their registration packets for a race they are doing tomorrow.  It is one for our school and actually the one and only 5K I have ever run.  I am not doing it this year, as I definitely have not been training.  Eric and Alex are just doing the 2K as she has a soccer game later that day.  She has wanted to do this race for forever, but soccer has always interfered, so since she has a late game she finally gets to do it this year.

5. I cannot believe it almost the holiday season, this time of year really does just fly by so quickly.

5 Pictures
going to Priesthood session

selfie with grandma

at school

making blankets

after soccer practice

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