Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday Five: Sunsets and Rises and Fall

Happy Friday everyone!  Hope you all have some fun weekend plans. Here is this week's Friday 5.

5 Thoughts

1. Another weekend of soccer, they lost on both Saturday and Sunday.  Alex doesn't play the Sunday games, but always more fun when they win.  Our soccer season, well the fall season, will be over soon, and I am kind of looking forward to a little break.

2. This week Lucas got his Scout advancement to First Class.  He has a love/hate relationship with Scouts, and I do too sometimes.

3. This week I have been editing pictures almost all week, from the pumpkin patch minis last week. I got them all done, so now really need to edit the pictures I took this summer of Alex and her girl cousins.   Taking pictures is definitely more fun than editing.

4. It was in the upper 90's earlier in the week and today is only in the 60's.  I must admit I am totally jealous of everyone's true fall pictures, all the leaves changing.  I miss a real fall.

5. Lately I have been in such a dinner rut.  Soccer practice times makes dinner a bit tricky at times, plus just making the same things over and over.  What are some of your favorite dinners?

5 Pictures

curly hair

boy scouts


pumpkin patch photo shoot

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