Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday Five: Teenagers, Birthdays and a 2K

It's Friday the 13th!  Hopefully it is still a good day and no bad luck!  Here is this week's Friday 5.

5 Thoughts

1. On Sunday Lucas turned 13!  It is crazy to me that I officially have a teenager.   He is now probably a couple of inches taller than me and is just looking older every day.

2. He jokingly asked for a 7 layer strawberry cake with chocolate frosting.  Well he may have been joking, but I delivered!   It may have been tipping a bit, but was oh so yummy.

3. The day after his birthday, he hit another milestone, one he didn't really want-- he got braces.  His mouth has been pretty sore since, so lots of soft food.  But he is trying to have a good attitude about it all.

4. This week I did my pumpkin patch mini shoots that my good friend Amanda of Kaleidoscope of Colors sets up. It is fun seeing the same kids each year and how much they grow.  Plus I brought a friend along to be my assistant and for the drive and it was just such a fun day.

5. Eric and Alex ran a 2K this weekend.  Alex had a soccer game in the afternoon so they just did the shorter race.  Alex got 3rd place overall for girls in her age group. Eric technically got second for men in his age group, but they just don't give medals for his age in the 2K.

5 Pictures
2k race

2k race

birthday cake

7 layer chocolate cake

book fair books

Do you have any fun weekend plans?

1 comment:

  1. That cake is amazing, Emmy! Well done! Lex can commiserate on the braces front. She got hers on October of last year and we're hoping they'll come off next month. She's so ready!
