Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday Five: iPhoneX, Student of the Month and Halloween

Happy Friday everyone!  I am stuck at home-- and well read comment one to find out why!  Here is this week in 5 thoughts and 5 pictures.

5 Thoughts

1. It's iPhoneX day!  Which means I am at home anxiously waiting for a delivery.   In theory I should be getting a ton done around the house, but I just cannot focus today!

2. This week Ryder was awarded Student of the Month, for the trait of Responsibility.  His teacher wrote "Congratulations on being Student of the Month this month!  You are receiving this award because I am very proud of you for showing the true meaning of responsibility.  I love the way you are a role model for others, you have self-control, and alway do what you know is right.  You are a very bright young man with a great future ahead!  Keep up the great work!"  A very proud mommy moment!

3. Lucas did not trick-or-treat this year.  He helped me hand out candy.  He loved standing behind the door and slowly opening it, hoping to make the kids think the door was opening on it's own.  I really had a great time, him being there with me, but also kind of sad for the things he is growing out of.

4. My church had our dinner and trunk-or-treat this weekend.  It is always very well attended.  Eric always makes all of the kids sing to get a treat.  Some purposely avoid our car and others were planning what songs they were going to sing for him.

5. Alex's soccer team had two games, it was league cup and they won the first round, so on to round two this weekend.  Unfortunately round two is on Sunday.

5 Pictures
daddy carrying his daughter

pizza bar
Toppings for a build your own pizza
kids halloween costumes

lots of icecream
mother and son

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