Friday, November 10, 2017

Friday Five: Shoe Shopping, Time, and iPhone X

Happy Friday everyone!  No school today in honor of Veteran's Day tomorrow.  This country may have a lot of problems right now, but it is worth fighting for and defending.  So to all who have or are serving, thank you.  I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.  

Here is today's Friday five.

5 Thoughts

1. I cannot believe it is November already!  Time is going so fast.  It will be Thanksgiving then Christmas then this year will be over.  We have a lot of family coming for Thanksgiving, so I am excited, it should be fun.

2. This week I read a book in one day, I will be sharing it here soon on the blog.  I definitely have a tendency to just dive in and plow through books, especially if it is a book I really like.  I have a hard time putting it down and wanting to do much else.

3. I am loving the new Apple iPhone X.  I have finally stopped trying to hit the home button.  The face recognition is pretty cool and seems to work great.

4. Had to take my kids shoe shopping this week, as the oldest two literally had holes in their shoes.  It is amazing how kids can be so rough on shoes.

5. No school for my kids today, I slept in until almost 8:00, it was wonderful.  Lucas is going on a campout tonight, so have to get him all ready for that.

5 Pictures
iPhone X

floating head picture
Love this picture-- but look Alex is a floating head! 
outdoor school
Open air hallways at my kids' school
dirty after soccer
Alex got a little dirty at soccer practice-- that is what happens when you are keeper
shoe shopping


  1. Great pic of the kids shoe shopping. It looks like Lucas is about to shove Ryder into the racks of shoes. :) Ha!

    After much deliberation, I ended up choosing the iPhone 8 over the X. I was using a 3-year-old iPhone (the 6) and it was working just fine, but Lexie was still using the 4S which was 6 years old and nearly dead, so I pretty much had to upgrade just so she could inherit my 6. It was a really hard decision between the 8 and the X, so I'd love to hear how you end up liking the X the longer you have it!

    1. Yes, I think he probably was! :P You will love the 8 I am sure!

  2. I love the second picture! So cute! I honestly can't believe it's already halfway through November. How did that happen?!?
