Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Light The World- Helping Kids Learn to Serve

As a parent I want my kids to have the world, but I never want them to expect to have it.  I want them to understand the importance of hard work, of showing appreciation and especially of giving back and contributing to the world.

One of the best ways I have found to do this is by finding opportunities for our family to serve.  When we work together to help others, not only are we spending time together as a family but we are leading by example for giving back and showing kindness.

It starts in the home with small simple things like helping your sibling with a chore, or taking the time to truly compliment or say something nice about someone.  For me, it all comes down to trying to live as the Savior Jesus Christ did.

Before Thanksgiving, my family put together a Thanksgiving Basket to donate to a local shelter.  We used the opportunity to talk with our kids about being grateful and that many would not be able to have a nice dinner without help.   I put together a video documenting our experience.

We loved the experience and are so excited to look for more ways to serve.

This December there is an amazing opportunity to get into the true spirit of Christmas by remembering how the Savior Jesus Christ lived and trying to live as He did as part of the Light The World initiative.

This December join me, in 25 Ways over 25 Days.   This is a month of ideas with ways to serve each day, helping you get in the true Christmas spirit.   By trying to live as Jesus Christ did, by serving, by giving, by living as He did, we will not only help others but can transform our own lives.

Download your own FREE copy of the calendar here

If you head to, not only will you see this calendar, but every day there will be a new video and ideas of how you can serve that day.  Even if you just choose one or two things to do, I truly believe it will help your holiday season be a little less stressful, a little more peaceful and will definitely help you remember the real meaning for this time of year.

As a gift to you, I would love to give you something that means everything to me, something that has brought me peace, hope, and a true understanding of who I am and what this life is all about.   It is the Book of Mormon.  If you would like one,  I would be happy to send you a free copy, just leave a comment saying you would like one and with an e-mail address that I can reach you at.  

I truly hope you join me in this wonderful way to help bring some peace and joy at this time of year and really make the world a better place.

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