Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ten Things to Smile About This Month

It is the last Tuesday of the month, which means it is time for 10 Things to Smile About this Month.  I started this monthly post many years ago after a really hard month where I just needed to find something to smile about.

Ten Things to Smile About in November

1. Ryder being student of the month!
mother and son

2.  Getting the new iPhone X - I am loving the big screen and face ID
iPhone X

3. Date nights!  We have almost made it through the alphabet!
date night

4. This picture as it is crazy how dirty Alex get's at soccer and makes me happy how good of a goal keeper she has become.
dirty after soccer

5. Helping out at the Thanksgiving Feast- I love being able to help in the school.
mother and daughter

6. Group Date nights to an escape room!   It was so much fun!!
group date to escape room

7. Having family in town

8. Thanksgiving Dinner!
Thanksgiving Dinner

9.  The perfect weather for a beach day in November!
Corona Del Mar

10. Playing tourist in our own town.
The Getty Center

What made you smile this month?

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