Monday, November 27, 2017

The Perfect Thanksgiving

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  For some strange reason, to me it kept feeling like it wasn't Thanksgiving break but Christmas break.  Sadly it was over all too quickly.

This year Eric's parents and his older sister and her family came to sunny California for Thanksgiving, and sunny it was, with high's in the low 90's on Thanksgiving day.  It was a little hot for cooking, but made for perfect beach on Black Friday.

During the week, we went mini golfing.  We divided up the kids and the grownups, and the kids literally did two rounds of golf in the time we did one.
mini golf
scandia mini golf

sister in law

We just played and had fun.
playing gold with grandpa

We went shopping (notice they tried on the same pair)
trying on shoes

We rarely saw Alex and Kate as they were up playing in Alex's room every moment they could get.
cousins in matching dresses

On Thanksgiving we had an amazing meal with so much food!

Eric smoked the turkey again this year and it was outstanding.  It was nice having extra helpers cooking and making different dishes.  In fact that only food I ended up making was the deviled eggs.
Thanksgiving Dinner

Then Friday, instead of heading to the chaos of Black Friday shopping, we went to the beach.

The beach was so empty, yet the weather was perfect!

Corona Del Mar

The waves weren't as good as we would have liked, but otherwise it was a wonderful day.

Saturday morning, Eric's parents left- but we had his sister for the rest of the day.

We went to the Getty Center, somewhere we have actually never been in all the years we have lived here.

The grounds and buildings are beautiful with awesome views of the valley and LA (though the LA smog makes it not as easy to see).
The Getty Center

The kids were not fans of the 40 minute wait to go through security and take the tram up to the museum, but once up there, the place is so big it didn't feel crazy crowded.
At the Getty Center

The kids even enjoyed the art work more than I thought they would.

The week went all too quickly and now it is back to the regular routines, with the millions of things to do this time of year.

What was your favorite part of Thanksgiving?


  1. Your weather is simply amazing. We were in California a week before Thanksgiving and yes, the sun and warmth was just what we needed. Looks like you all had a wonderful time and I agree with you, break was way too short. I'm ready for Christmas break already haha

  2. So fun! I keep forgetting that the Getty is so close! We also went to the beach, perfect weather and not crowded!
