Monday, December 11, 2017

A Big Announcement

Life can be funny.  Sometimes when you aren't looking for something, aren't seeking something- it can find you.  That is what happened to our family this year.

My husband was happy at work.  Got along great with his coworkers, wasn't working too far from home, things were good.  Then one phone call changed it all.  An old boss, friend and mentor- called Eric up and invited him to come work on a really big construction project with him.   Our first thought, was no- things are great and the timing is awful...but then we couldn't stop thinking about it.  It would be a great opportunity and it would mean living close to a lot of family.

We weighed the pros and cons, we did research, and we especially prayed about it.

So what is the big announcement?

At the end of the year, so yes in just a few weeks, we will be moving to Utah.

It has been a whirlwind since we made the decision.

Eric and I went to Utah one weekend and looked at 21 houses in one day (our realtor was a superstar)!   We looked at 5 of the them again a second time, narrowed it down to 2, and in the end it came down to the schools.  We put in offer in on one, and by the end of the day they had accepted.

We are currently under contract, and that is just so crazy for me to say and think.

It really is a bitter sweet move.  We have lived in our current home for 6 1/2 years.   For most of our married life, we had not lived in one place for longer than 2 1/2 years, so this felt like an eternity here- a good wonderful eternity.

Ryder had just turned 1-year-old when we moved here.
Ryder on the moving boxes from our last move 
Lucas started 1st grade here.

Alex has done all of her school, up to this point, here.

We will miss our friends, the weather, the beach.   We will be trading our boogie boards in for sleds; our flip flop and sandals for winter boots and gloves.

But we are excited, and know it is the right thing for our family.  Looking back, it truly is amazing to see all of the hundreds of little pieces that have lined up in order for this to work out.  I truly do believe that if we let God direct our lives, that He will guide us to what is right for us at the time.

I am excited for new adventures, I am excited to be close by family, and I am even excited to see my first snow fall in many years.

To all of my friends here in Southern California.  Thank you, thank you for making this a wonderful place to live, thank you for being there for me and my family.  You will be missed.

And to my Utah friends, especially so many who I know because of this blog-- let's plan a lunch date!


  1. Such a big move! Wishing you all the best in your new home. <3

  2. Sounds like a wonderful opportunity! Hope the move goes smoothly.

  3. Wow, congrats!!! Another state for you guys!!!

  4. Wow, huge move, but it sounds like it will be an amazing opportunity. I love that you will have friends waiting for you there. I know what you mean, Match and I have moved so much since we were first together, and the longest we've ever lived in one place is 3 years. 6.5 years would feel like an eternity. It is so awesome that you managed to not only see 21 houses in a day, but find THE house. Can't wait to read about your big adventure. And can I just say amen to not having to move with a toddler?! I did that when we moved north and I never want to do it again! All your kiddos will be great helpers.

    1. Oh yes, definitely the moving itself is much easier with older kids instead of a toddler. Though, on the other end, it was so much easier for the toddler themselves to deal with the move, then it is the older kids as they are leaving a lot of friends behind.

  5. So exciting! Can't wait to see it all through here hopefully!!
