Monday, December 4, 2017

Brush With Love: Book Review

It's almost Christmas, which means you may still be writing your Christmas lists!  If so, you should add Brush With Love by Lisa McKendrick to your list, loved this book!

The Book

Lana, a talented Ivy League artist, and Walt, a small-town farmer, couldn't be more different. She arrives in Bluegill, Idaho, ready to spend the summer painting, excited to study under Walt's grandpa, a brilliant but aging artist. The more she is thrown together with Walt though--and the more she spends time with him--the more she realizes her heart may be drawing up its own plans. As the weeks pass, Lana realizes she'll have to choose between following her dreams or following her heart.

My Review
  Sometimes life does not go as you plan, from a young age Lana was abandoned by her mother in a Siberian Orphanage.  Never really able to over come that abandonment she turns to art to express her feelings.  When Lana is awarded a prestigious opportunity to train as an artist overseas, it feels like her dreams are coming true; but when the program takes an unexpected turn and she ends up in a small town in Idaho, her life will never be the same. 
   This is a good clean romance that covers feelings of abandonment, Alzheimers Disease, a coming to understand oneself, and love.   
   This story felt unique yet real and I later read that the author based it loosely on some real life people.  The story is a quick easy read that will leave you happy at the end.
  This is a LDS-fiction, but the religious aspects are minimal and not preachy.  It is also a clean book free from graphic imagery and language.  I highly recommend it.

Giveaway The author is hosting a $30 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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