Friday, December 22, 2017

Friday Five: Concerts, Polar Express and Family

Happy Friday everyone!  Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet?

5 Thoughts

1.  This week we continued packing.  My Mother-in-law returned home over the weekend, but my parents were here and worked hard with me all week.  We got most of the house packed expect the kitchen, garage and kids' clothes.  That will be the day after Christmas that Eric and I tackle that.  I have been so grateful for all of their help, as I know if it was just me here trying to do it, I would find excuse after excuse not to do it very much.

2. This week Alex had her School Christmas Concert, the program was so wonderful as usual, but even more special to me this time as she had a solo!  She sang Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer.  She did an awesome job!  Definitely a proud mama moment.

3. I helped this week at Ryder's Pancake breakfast and Polar Express party. I was just grateful the flu or whatever he had over the weekend, was quickly gone so he could enjoy his last week at school. Since my mom was here that day, she came and helped me too.  I really do love being able to volunteer at the school, and I was saying my goodbye's to the office staff, it made me realize how many people I have been able to get to know because of helping at the school.

4. I have so many ideas and an actual desire to really get the blog going again, this year has probably been the year I have blogged the least since I began this blog.   This year has also been a big year of transitions, especially with Eric's career and now this move, but I love this space and want to continue sharing.

5. Last night my sister and her girls came over to pick-up my parents, as they will be spending the rest of their trip at her house.  They are probably half relieved to get a break from all the packing!  We had fun visiting and all went out to dinner at a new place my family had never gone. We will be all getting together Christmas Eve again.  I have loved being able to live close, or fairly close, to my sister these last 9 years.

5 Pictures
soccer team party

sick kid

grandparents and granddaughter

snow day in California

7th grade teacher


  1. Oh wow, you're moving? Now I really need to catch up on your blog. I have been so sporadic about posting and even worse about commenting. I'm glad to see you're still here! I had to do a double take looking at your kiddos. They're so grown up!!

    1. I know! It is crazy how old they are all getting! And yes, I have been very sporadic myself with blogging
