Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday Five: Moving, Sunsets and a New School

Happy Friday everyone!  Hopefully you all have some fun weekend plans.  Here is my week recapped in 5 thoughts and 5 pictures.

5 Thoughts

1.  I have so much I want to blog about and tell you, moving tips, our eating the alphabet adventure, just so many things, but right now unpacking is monopolizing my time.  My kids start school next Wednesday, so I think that will help my routine feel a little more normal.

2. So far this Utah winter is being very kind to us, in the 50's even somedays.  It is almost kind of disappointing in some ways, and I am sure the ski resorts are hating it.  Now that we are moved in, I actually kind of want a really good snow storm.

3. This last week when I took Lucas over to the middle school to help finish registering him, well my heart was racing a bit. I truly hope he finds a good group of friends quickly.

4. Yesterday Lucas went to a movie with my FIL.  Being close to family was definitely a huge draw for this move.

5. I got my Utah Driver's license this week.  The DMV employees were actually all really awesome and it moved totally fast, which I must admit totally surprised me.

5 Pictures
Moving Boxes

family at Five Guys

Power of Moms

eating icecream

sun set over mountains


  1. Glad you guys are getting settled in!

  2. Your sunset views are gorgeous! I can't wait to read your packing posts. If all goes well with us... we may be packing soon too....

  3. p.s. we have your snow and cold weather. You can have it back any time :)
