Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday Five: Snow, A Month, and School

Happy Friday everyone!  It is time for Friday 5!  Sharing 5 thoughts and 5 pictures to recap the week.

5 Thoughts

1. We have almost been here a month now, we closed a month ago on the 28th.   We are mostly settled in, definitely getting into good routines, just still have random boxes waiting to be unpacked.  Especially in my room, that is by far the least unpacked room, but we are getting there.

2. This winter has been really easy to us so far, with really only one good snow storm last weekend, which we absolutely loved!  We shoveled snow as a family and went sledding at a hill right in our neighborhood that afternoon.  It was so much fun!

3. I think we have found a soccer team for Alex.  The team is kind of in transition, will be splitting into two teams for this spring, so things aren't fully settled, but she likes the girls and is doing well.

4. I definitely have discovered the secret to unpacking.... my mother-in-law! She is awesome and I just work a lot more when she is here, as I won't find excuses or other things to do to waste my time.

5. My school pickup has become so much easier!  Alex and Ryder walk to school so that only leaves me having to give Lucas a ride.  It is amazing how much more time in the day I seem to have.  If Lucas ever decides to ride the bus, well I don't know if I will know what to do with myself!

5  Pictures






  1. Faithful follower here. Glad to see things are coming together for you. Is Lucas joining a Boy Scout troop? Curious because my son crosses over soon from cub scouts and he is nervous about it like Lucas was in the beginning.

    1. Thank you so much!! He did join a Boy Scout troop and he has loved it. Sometimes he gets a little anxious about the campouts, but now he is getting used to them and is enjoying the extra experiences.

  2. Look at all that snow! Lucky you! Glad to hear you guys are settling in so nicely! :)

    1. Thank you! It has really been the only snow storm this whole month, in fact later this week it is supposed to rain! What a crazy mild winter here
