Tuesday, January 9, 2018

New Years Kids Interview Questions 2018

It is time for the Yearly Kids Interview Questions.  I am a little late posting these, as we finally have internet and our computer set up.  Moving definitely throws things off.  I have loved asking my kids these questions every year, some answers seem to always stay the same and some totally change every year.

Feel free to copy the questions at the bottom of the page to ask your own kids.

This year's answers are in Blue, last years answers are in red.

Name: Lucas
 Age: 13 12  
 Height: 5'8" 5'4 1/2"  
 Shoe size: 10 1/2 8 1/2  

What is your Favorite:
  Cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Captin Crunch Berries   
  Vegetable: Crinkle Cut Carrots Crinkle Cut Carrots   
  Drink: Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper  Mountain Dew Pitch Black 
  Toy: iPhone iPhone 
  TV Show: Studio C Tricked 
  Thing to do: Play Roblox Play Video Games 
  Game: Roblox Minecraft 
  Book: I don't know, I like a lot of books Percy Jackson  
  Restaurant: Five Guys Five Guys 
  Place to go: To bed Mimi's and Poppie's house  

If you could change your name what would you change it to: Lukas  Lukas  
What is something mommy says: Turn off the computer Turn the computer off   
What do you want to be when you grow up: Something, I don't know A millionaire- I don't know, A Scientist 
What are you going to do different this year than last: read more  eat healthier  
Who are your friends? My friends- that is the only answer I am giving you Steven and Ryan and Radi  
What is one wish for the New Year? To do well in school That the world won't end this year  
If I gave you $100 what would you do with it? Spend it on Robux I really don't know, I don't have $100 so I don't know   
What are you afraid of? exploding  nothing, except for roller coasters  

Name: Alexandria
 Age: 11 10  
 Height: 5'2" 4' 11 1/2"  
 Shoe size: 8 1/2  7 Wide  

 What is your Favorite:
  Cereal: Honey Nut Cheerios Honey Nut Cheerios  
  Vegetable: Corn on the Cob Corn 
  Drink: Rootbeer Rootbeer 
  Toy: American Girl Dolls  American Girl Doll  
  TV Show: I want to make it a movie- Wonder Studio C 
  Thing to do: Play with Ryder and Lucas Acting and Singing 
  Game: I don't know- I'll play most any game That's a hard one, I don't know what games I like 
  Book: Echo The Missing Series  
  Restaurant: Cheese Cake Factory In-N-Out 
  Place to go: Home home   

If you could change your name what would you change it to: Alexandra  I wouldn't change it- but if I had to I would change it to Alexandra  
What is something mommy says: Stop messing around- to my brothers Go clean your room 
What do you want to be when you grow up: An actor a teacher 
What are you going to do different this year than last: Not wrestle with my brothers draw more 
Who are your friends? Scarlett, Hilary, Eva, Emily, Riley, Kiera, Darcy  Scarlett   
What is one wish for the New Year? that no one will get sick that no one will have to go to the emergency room again  
If I gave you $100 what would you do with it? Hide it from my brothers  save it for something 
What are you afraid of? Spiders  spiders and bees 

Name: Ryder
Age: 7 1/2 6 1/2  
 Height: 4'1" 3' 10 1/2"    
 Shoe size: 1 12 1/2 

 What is your Favorite:
  Cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Toast Crunch 
  Vegetable: Crinkle Cut Carrots Broccoli  
  Drink: Rootbeer Rootbeer 
  Toy: Fluffy All of my toys are my favorite 
  TV Show: I don't know, Studio C Tricked  
  Thing to do: Play  Play 
  Game: Video Games Minecraft 
  Book: Duck's Vacation Ducks Vacation   
  Restaurant: Five Guys Five Guys   
  Place to go: "This is a hard question, Parks I guess" Theme Parks 

If you could change your name what would you change it to:don't know  Ride   
What is something mommy says: don't know  Do Your Homework  
What do you want to be when you grow up:I don't know  A fireman  
What are you going to do different this year than last: Play more video games Do less screen time  
Who are your friends? How am supposed to answer, we moved to Utah Jack, Eternal, Elijah, Kyle  
What is one wish for the New Year? To make lots of friends That no one gets hurt    
If I gave you $100 what would you do with it? Save my money Buy stuff  
What are you afraid of? "Meep, a lion" Snakes  

My Thoughts:
  We are definitely in a time of transition right now, the kids have not begun their new schools yet.  That definitely seemed to have an influence on Ryder's answers especially, and Lucas well he is a teenager and some of his answers seemed to reflect that. 

Christmas Eve Pajamas
Christmas This Year
Christmas Last Year

Copy The Questions Below For Your Own Kids

Name: Age
 Shoe size:

 What is your Favorite:
  TV Show:
  Thing to do:
  Place to go: 

If you could change your name what would you change it to:
What is something mommy says: 
What do you want to be when you grow up:
What are you going to do different this year than last:
Who are your friends?
What is one wish for the New Year?
If I gave you $100 what would you do with it?
What are you afraid of? 


  1. Thank you so much for the idea of the new years questions. I have now done it with my kids since 2014. It has been so fun to see how they have grown and changed one year to the next.

    1. That is so awesome! And you are right, it is so fun to see their answers over he years.

  2. So fun to read through them! The pictures really show how much they have grown!!:)

    1. Yes, this last year they all seemed to look quite a bit older
