Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday Five: Olympics, Cookies, And Church

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend planned.

5 Thoughts

1. The Olympics start today!  The winter Olympics have always been my favorite.  I love almost every event!   I remember as a kid, going to the pond near our home and iceskating, pretending like I was a figure skater, when in reality I could hardly skate backwards.

2. Alex had New Beginnings this week, an event at church that welcomes the girls into Young Women's that are turning 12 this year.  It is so crazy to me that she is going to be 12!   I will be in there with her, as I was just asked to serve in Young Women's as the Laurel Advisor, over the 16-18 year old girls.

3. Eric and I went out for sushi last week and the place was so crazy as some of the rolls were really good, but others were just down right gross.  Definitely will be looking for other sushi places.

4. Alex was disappointed in last weekend's soccer game when she didn't get to play goalie; but when she played forward and ended up scoring two goals and assisting on a third, then she wasn't feeling so bad. They definitely love having her on the team.

5. Ryder went over to my in-laws the night of the New Beginnings Program, as he would have been so "bored" going to it.  His cousin Quinn was also there and those two just had a great time the whole night.  I am grateful that we get to live by family now.

5 Pictures


playing cards

readers theater


BYU gear

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