Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Ten Things to Smile About This Month

I went back and looked and this is my 106th 10 Things to Smile About!  It is crazy that I have written so many, but I am so grateful that I take the time every month to look back and see what made me smile.

10 Things to Smile About in February

1. Stating to Eat the Alphabet again

2. Going dancing with Eric!
all dressed up

3. Fancy Family Valentine's Dinner
Fancy Family Valentines Dinner

4. The Olympics and my kids' version of the Olympics

5. Living close to family
cousins at dinner

6. Alex doing awesome at soccer, she really has been playing at the top of her game lately
Soccer tournament

7. Snow and it finally feeling like winter (Yes someday this might not make me smile but it does for now)

8. This picture
silly selfies

9. Going to Zion's National Park
Zions National Park

10. Spending a fun day with the family in between soccer games
St. George Temple Visitor Center

What made you smile this month?

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