Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday Five: Birthday, Bathrooms and Sick Boy

Happy Friday everyone!  This is going to be a busy full weekend, but hopefully will be a good one.  What are your weekend plans?  Here is my week in 5 thoughts and 5 pictures

5 Thoughts

1. This last weekend we actually had a rare weekend with no soccer. Alex loves soccer and so I don't really mind all of the time it takes, but it definitely is nice to have some weekends off.

2. This week was Eric's birthday!  We celebrated by going out to dinner with his parents and cake and ice-cream of course.  Ryder helped me decorate his cake this year.

3. All of the presents Eric got were related to food.  Which, if you know him is very fitting.

4. Last night we went to Lowe's and got the rest of the things we need to finish the bathroom downstairs.  This will be the first time in about 7 years that the boys will have their own bathroom and won't be using ours.   It will be so nice.

5. Ryder was sick this week, just a low fever and no other symptoms. Thankfully a one day thing.  The day he was home was also the day the plumbers were here at the house getting some stuff ready for the bathroom and replacing all of the toilets in our house.  We had what Eric liked to call 'toddler toilets'- now we have much nicer bigger ones, good for the big people in our house.

5 Pictures
playing checkers
birthday cake

dad and kids

unfinished bathroom

buying supplies at Lowes

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