Friday, March 30, 2018

Friday Five: Getting Older, Easter, Spring Break

Happy Good Friday everyone!  I hope you are ready for Easter and the wonderful hope and peace this season brings.  Here is my Friday 5.

5 Thoughts

1. This week I have discovered one huge benefit to a real winter... no yard work.  Now that spring is actually coming, there is so much yard work to do.  I think the previous owners let things go at the end, which we are discovering now that everything is coming back alive.

2. This week at school Alex went to the maturation program.  I have definite memories of mine in school.  Yes, it sometimes freaks me out that she is getting old enough for things like that.

3. I am so excited for this Easter weekend.  Not only is it Easter but it is my church's semi-annual general conference.  I always feel so much peace and hope while listening to the messages and talks this conference weekend. It truly helps me remember what this life is about and what I want for myself and my children.  You can watch it for free here-- LDS Conference--

4. Eric's little sister is coming into town for Spring break.  It will be like our yearly summer reunion just in the spring!  Looking forward to it.

5. The bathroom in the basement is done!  Eric and his Dad did such an awesome job!  It is so nice that the boys finally don't have to use our bathroom.

5 Pictures

Chicken lollipops

DIY bathroom

weeding flower bed

playing a homemade board game

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