Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday Five: Paint, American Idol, Zombies

Happy Friday everyone!  Spent the morning at the orthodontist with my son, so Friday 5 is finally making it live.

5 Thoughts

1. It is hard to pick out paint colors!  We are going to paint the outside of our house, and I thought I had colors I liked, but then I was using the Sherwin Williams site to see what the colors would look like on our house and now I am worried the colors are too dark. There is a house in our neighborhood that I like and I actually knocked on their door one day, to ask what their colors are but no one was home.

2. This week was a weird week, some days were so busy and other days there was hardly anything to do.  I actually turned on American Idol (on Hulu), as I was curious to see what it would be like.  Seems just the same as it used to be.  I thought they would maybe change some things up.

3. Lucas has no school today and we celebrated by him getting his bottom braces on!  We did actually go out to breakfast at iHop before so his day wouldn't be all miserable.  Though I do love his new orthodontist.

4. It is supposed to snow again this weekend.  Spring is pretending like it is going to come and then we get a surprise storm, but nothing like the east coast, so I won't complain.

5. Ryder did his "living book character" at school this week.  He was nervous about it the morning of, but he did awesome and realized there was nothing to be nervous about in the end.

5 Pictures
ninja warrior

lots of stuff at Target


living character


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