Friday, March 16, 2018

Friday Five: Parent Teacher Conferences, Book Fair, Home

Happy Friday everyone!  Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, do you have any plans?

5 Thoughts

1. This week was parent teacher conference week for the grade school.  Both Ryder and Alex had great reports from their teachers and are doing really well.  Ryder is reading above grade level and making friends.  Alex's teacher said besides doing so well academically she is so kind to everyone, including those who are hard to be friends with.  That made me so proud to hear.

2. We started the week with beautiful weather and ended with snow.  So crazy.  Lots of flowers are starting to come up, I hope they survive the cold we now have.

3. This week was the book fair, I worked at it with another mom during the teacher preview time, only one teacher came in in the two hours we were there, so we just sat and talked.  It turns out she is my age, grew up in Wisconsin, I grew up in Illinois- we have a common friend from our teen years, she also went to BYU, etc. etc.  It was crazy how many similarities we had.

4. Our youth group went last night and helped with a special needs youth group.  There are a group of teens who go every week and are buddies with these amazing special needs youth.  As I sat there watching the teenagers who have chosen to take time every single week to come serve, it gave me so much hope for the future.  There are good kids out there.

5. We have been getting estimates this week to paint the exterior of our house, and holy cow it is going to be expensive.  Anyone found a money tree yet?

5 Pictures
fun at Home Show

girl scout cookies


lunch with blogging friend

snow in March

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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