Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday Five: Doctors, Yard Work and a Lake

Happy Friday!  Here is my recap of this week in 5 thoughts and 5 pictures

5 Thoughts

1. My kids have only 25 school days left!  I cannot believe this school year is almost over.  It has been a crazy one, split between two different schools and two different states, but it all went so quickly.

2. On Sunday my brother and his kids came over for dinner.  It was great visiting with him and I am happy we live fairly close now.

3. This weekend was a lot of yard work.  Lucas mowed the lawn for the first time in his life. We had to buy a lawn mower when we moved here, in California we had a landscaper, so didn't have any yard tools.  Don't tell my mother, but there is something almost satisfying and fun about getting out and doing yard work... though we have a ton of it as the last owners of the house totally let the yard go, which we didn't realize since we bought the house in the middle of winter.

4. Today is my yearly checkup... though I must confess it has been more than a year since I have gone to the doctor.  So good about taking my kids, not always so good about taking care of myself.

5. I finally made it to the library and got a library card.  Already checked out and finished the book we are reading for Book club, now to read the other two books I checked out.. I do love reading!

5 Pictures

silhouette picture


shadow shot


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