Monday, April 2, 2018

Ten Things to Smile About This Month

The last Tuesday of the month I always look back to find 10 things that made me smile.   Last month, well the last Tuesday slipped past me, so I am sharing this today.

10 Things to Smile About in March

1. Eric's birthday
dad and kids

2. Going to the Home and Garden show with my MIL and SIL
fun at Home Show

3. Spending a morning with just my oldest 

4. Pretty sunsets (and family)
sunset outside of walmart

5. Crazy hair day
crazy hair pop bottle hair

6. Finding new fun places to take the kids
ninja warrior

7. Girl Scout cookies 
girl scout cookies

8.  Living close to family, so they can come to school events 
grandparents at school event

9. Spring flowers and weather 

10. The basement bathroom getting finished!  
DIY bathroom

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