Friday, May 4, 2018

Friday Five: Spring, Karate and the Titanic

May the 4th be with you!  Won't be watching any Star Wars movie tonight, finally going to see Infinity War.  What are your weekend plans?

5 Thoughts

1. Yard work.. that sums up this week pretty well.  Did so much of it yesterday.  Our yard is looking better and better but still feels like such a long way to go.  We are trying to fix it right and not just a quick fix as it will make life so much easier in the years to come.  It would help if I really knew anything about plants and what half of the stuff planted in our yard is!

2. Alex had a soccer game Monday night and they won 10-1.  We haven't had a lot of wins this season, so while I was begging to feel bad for the other team it was also pretty dang awesome.

3. Ryder got his Karate uniform this week.  He is loving it and last time even got bonus tickets for being the student to the day!  Glad he has found something he enjoys doing.

4. When I was checking out our book club book from the library, I also checked out two random books.  Not only was it until I finished one and began the second that I realized that both are historical fictions about the Titanic.  Kind of makes me want to watch the movie again.

5. Speaking of movies we are finally seeing Infinity War tonight!  Have been doing everything I can do avoid any spoilers!

5 Pictures
date night at temple

trying to fly a kite

karate uniform

making a barricade

flowers on tree


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